Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pre-Party Photos Start Rolling In

It's great to see a "Mega-System" finally get put to use.. and work! We've design a system that will allow you to tag and submit content related to a particular session (even the pre-party events had an Id) . Not only are we re-capturing the tweets associated with each session, we also allow users to submit content (photos, video, audio, notes etc) which are tagged and shared (follow @MassTLun) so that they can be curated into virtual sessions.. enabling the discussion to continue even after the unconference (learn more). We even capture link backs.. so if you are writing a blog post about a particular session, please link to the virtual session (in this blog) and we'll tie your post back to it. If you have some non-session specific content or summary blogs to link, please use one of these Unconference categories.We would also like to capture who attended each session, so please use the Sign via Twitter (or disqus comments).

Some photos are auto-post to flickr which you can also be viewed via the wibiya toolbar on the bottom of the page.

Session Discussions/Takeaways (via threaded comments)
Use <b> and </b> to highlight session takeaways and snippets in the comments below


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